Rakta Shodhak, 50 tablets-a drug whose balanced composition leads to improved metabolism and has a cleansing effect on the blood, lymph and liver. This is one of the most powerful blood-purifying means, struggling with inflammatory processes in the body. Cleanses it from accumulated toxins, which in most cases are the cause of ailments. Thanks to it, in combination with the diet, the body begins to work like clockwork, improves the condition of the skin and increases the level of energy. It has a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for the treatment and prevention of many diseases associated with blood pollution toxins. Accelerates recovery in infectious diseases, eliminates the state of fever, poisoning. Improves the condition of skin with acne and boils. Rakta Shodak regulates the number of white blood cells, destroys the accumulation of toxins, improves blood circulation, resolves blood clots. Actively used in complex therapy to improve the condition of the body in cancer. Taking this drug helps to reduce excess weight. It is also used as a diuretic, because it has a pronounced diuretic effect. Active ingredient: Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia). The active components of this plant safely remove toxins from the circulatory system, stop bleeding, including internal, eliminate blood congestion, improve the capacity of capillaries, dissolve blood clots. Gandaka (Sulphurium). It is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat skin diseases, accompanying itching. Treats chronic fever and diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as diarrhea and malabsorption of nutrients (malabsorption). Rejuvenates, improves digestion, color and elasticity of the skin, increases immunity. Him (Azadirachta indica). One of the strongest means for cleansing the blood and the body as a whole, removing toxins from it. Due to the purification of Nimes improves the condition of the body and various organs: cleanses the skin, reduces the incidence, increases immunity. It is a very strong anthelmintic agent that helps in a short time to get rid of parasites. It is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. Indian barberry (berberis aristata). It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, cooling, diaphoretic, astringent, wound healing, antioxidant, tonic, laxative properties. Its extensive healing properties are used in skin diseases, for healing wounds, boils, ulcers, cuts and scars. Instructions for use: in General, 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day after eating a course of two to three weeks with a break of two weeks. With boils, carbuncles-1 tablet three times a day before meals, preferably together with Kanchnar Guggul. With food allergies, poisoning, intoxication of the liver and blood-2 tablets twice a day before meals with Triphala. In case of fever or cold, accompanied by fever-2 tablets twice a day before meals, together with Mahasudarshan. Children from 1 year to 6 years – 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course of admission is not less than one month. The drug is recommended to be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist. Contraindications: with exhaustion or highly elevated cotton wool, use with caution. In cases of acute fever or severe intoxication of the body, the dosage may be increased in accordance with the doctor's recommendation. During treatment, light food is necessary, exclude fried, spicy and fatty foods.
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