Kapikachhu, 120 tablets - a powerful herbal aphrodisiac and a stimulator of the reproductive system for men and women. Acts safely and effectively. It has the property of increasing sexual desire and sensitivity of the nerve endings. Thanks to it, you can facilitate the conception of a healthy baby and just make your sex life more intense. However, the tool can improve the condition and other more serious diseases. How often in modern medicine, male infertility is regarded as the final diagnosis, which has to be taken for granted, and patients do not even hope to find a solution to this problem. But in Ayurveda there is a proven remedy for centuries - mukuna burning, which successfully heals male infertility by stimulating the secretion of semen, improving its quality and normalization of erectile function. The effect of the drug is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction. In addition, the extract of mukuna burning helps the body to grow muscle mass, destroys excess fat tissue in the body, sometimes used in sports medicine as a stimulant to improve the quality of training. The field of application of the drug is Parkinson's disease, as it is able to stimulate neural connections and generally very beneficial effect on the nervous system. If you are tired, upset, or exhausted, he will give you serious help. In addition, the drug relieves swelling of various body tissues, eliminates intestinal parasites, treats dysentery, diarrhea, venomous reptile bites, muscle spasms. Effective against inflammatory diseases of the joints, such as rheumatism, gout, arthritis, sciatica. As an aphrodisiac, Kapikachhu not only stimulates sexual desire, but also relieves the symptoms of pathological, abnormal menstruation, normalizes the menstrual cycle itself. In addition, the drug is often used in diabetes as a hypoglycemic food Supplement, and in heart diseases - as a hypertensive agent to reduce cholesterol. Even with cancer, it shows a positive result. Active ingredient: Mucuna burning (Mucuna pruriens). Eliminates depression, nervous disorders, relieves swelling, relieves worms, strengthens the body, increases libido, treats erectile dysfunction. Instructions for use: 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals, wash down with warm water. The best time for reception is 7-9 am and 15-18 days. The drug is recommended to be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age, individual intolerance, mental disorders associated with increased levels of dopamine in certain parts of the brain (for example, schizophrenia), low immunity, atherosclerosis, serious heart disease, blood vessels or respiratory organs, malignant tumors. The drug is not combined with antidepressants and drugs with L-theanine, which affects the level of dopamine. Especially dangerous psychotropic substances based on St. John's wort.
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