Ashwagandha, 120 tablets-a proven tool for the recovery of the body after heavy loads of any kind, to increase vitality, good mood and overall health of the body. It has the properties of an aphrodisiac, and therefore reliably protects the nervous system from any adverse effects. After a few days you will notice an improvement. Ashwagandha prevents aging. Thanks to this unique natural remedy, You will be able to remain energetic and positive even in Mature years, and the aging process will slow down. Restores almost all systems in the body. Due to this property, this plant is part of many Ayurvedic medicines, because it increases their effectiveness. The drug increases mental and physical endurance, restores the body after suffering serious diseases and surgical interventions. Neutralizes the state of asthenia during the change of seasons, slows down the process of age-related changes in muscles, bones and joints; activates energy metabolism in the body, stimulates its natural defenses, strengthening the immune system. Normalizes sleep and the level of cholesterol in blood, strengthens the heart. Substances contained in Ashwagandha increase antioxidant protection of cell membranes, stimulate the secretion of prostate and seminal glands, while increasing sperm viability, normalize the pH of sperm, and prevent the transition of testosterone to dehydrotestosterone in older men, reducing the risk of prostate adenoma. The use of Ashwagandha by women leads to the normalization of estrogen metabolism and the prevention of fibromyomas, endometriosis and mastitis, increases libido, regulation of the menstrual cycle. Sexual weakness, impotence, anemia, arthrosis, multiple sclerosis, infertility, paralysis, skin diseases – these and many other problems can be solved with this tool. Active ingredient: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Increases stamina, increases the level of sexual energy, improves memory, gives strength, nourishes the body with essential vitamins and trace elements, reduces the intensity of neuroses, strengthens the heart. It is used as an aphrodisiac and a means to improve brain activity, has a calming effect, relieves insomnia and chronic fatigue. Instructions for use: 1 tablet 2 times a day on an empty stomach for 10 days. In chronic diseases, in complex therapy-2 tablets, 2 times a day. The course of admission is from 3 to 6 months. The drug is recommended to be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist. Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, ulcers, excessive thyroid function; use with caution with increased intracranial pressure.
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