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Vegetarian Festival in Thailand

Vegetarian Festival in Thailand
Vegetarian Festival in Thailand
Vegetarian Festival 2014 has begun in Thailand! A holiday of spiritual and physical purity.
Warning: Many photographs contain scenes that may be disturbing or disturbing!
The Pattaya Vegetarian Festival runs from September 23 to October 3, 2014.
On the island of Phuket, this event is celebrated annually with processions.
Festival participants believe that extreme piercings, fire walking and other forms of self-mutilation will earn them the favor of the gods. It is believed that the gods will protect believers who have thus proven their faith from all vicissitudes of fate, as well as from scars and death from loss of blood.
For piercings, participants of the Vegetarian Festival use knives, sabers, umbrellas and even electric drills. Some of the marchers fall into a trance. During the celebration, firecrackers are set off, fireworks displays and ceremonial processions are held. This is a very colorful sight! But despite this, Thai authorities recommend that “weak-hearted” tourists refrain from visiting it.
Mostly, the festival participants are Chinese living in Thailand. The version of the appearance of such a holiday says that the Chinese opera troupe brought the Vegetarian Festival to Thailand. In the 19th century, singers on tour in Thailand fell ill with malaria. To recover from this deadly disease, they began to adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and did not eat meat at all, after which they recovered - this is how this holiday appeared.
The vegetarian festival lasts nine days, beginning in late September or early October - usually in the ninth lunar month of the Eastern calendar. People come from all over the world to take part in it or watch the celebrations.
During the festival time, devout Buddhists follow a strict vegetarian diet, wear white robes and follow other rules that allow them to purify their bodies and minds. The Chinese believe that abstaining from meat on this holiday will help them maintain health and mental peace.


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